Sunday 15 August 2010


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Sam West is reportedly in no great hurry to marry Laura Wade
Sunday August 15,2010

By Adam Helliker

While Timothy West and Prunella Scales are nearing their golden wedding anniversary, their dishy son Sam West is in no great hurry to regularise his four-year relationship with rising young playwright Laura Wade.
Sam, 43, met Sheffield-born Laura while he was artistic director of the city’s Crucible Theatre. Her last play, Posh, about the antics of an elite Oxford University dining society, was relished by acolytes of ex-Bullingdon members Boris Johnson and David Cameron.
Of course it’s possible Sam will never pop the question to Miss Wade, with whom he now lives. Despite several previous relationships he has proved elusive when it came to commitment.
A theatrical colleague who knows Sam says: “Our profession is partly to blame because it promotes a Peter Pan mentality of being forever young.”
Observes Sam’s mother Prunella (forever remembered as bossy Sybil in Fawlty Towers): “Laura is lovely and we’re hoping it will be permanent.”

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