Tuesday 16 November 2010

Music stirs chambers of the heart

Music stirs chambers of the heart

November 16, 2010

"There was room for something much more in-depth and psychological" . . .
Samuel West plays the (supposed) lover to a murdered woman. Photo: Dean Sewell

British actor Samuel West is combining his two great loves, writes Catherine Keenan.

When Samuel West was 17, he fancied a cellist at his school who went off to the International Musicians Seminar in Prussia Cove, Cornwall. She wrote urging him to come also. ''As a cellist?'' he asked hopefully (he dabbled then, as now). She said, ''No, but you could work in the kitchens. You could do the washing up.'' He did.
He was so taken with the place, he's been back about 50 times in the past 25-odd years, washing dishes for five or six weeks a year. ''I stage manage the concerts as well, but it's mostly washing up,'' he says, in his richly resonant voice, emanating from the face of a boy scout.
It's an odd thing for one of Britain's more respected actors to do. He's played Hamlet for the Royal Shakespeare Company, directed opera for English National Opera, appeared in films including Howards End and Notting Hill, and he recently earned rave reviews - and a Laurence Olivier Award nomination - for his role in Enron in the West End. But the experience confirmed West's love of chamber music. Which, it turns out, has been great news for the Australian Chamber Orchestra.
West and Michael Stevens, the ACO's artistic administrator, became friends when they toured the Middle East together with the Choir of London. Stevens wanted to do something with West in Australia - while West may not have made it as a cellist, that velvety voice makes him a sought-after narrator. He's worked with many of Britain's orchestras on works that include Stravinsky's The Soldier's Tale, Saint-Saens's Carnival of the Animals and William Walton's Facade.
He and Stevens came up with the idea of linking the three great works of art called the Kreutzer Sonata: Beethoven's original work; Tolstoy's novella about a man who murders his wife for her supposed infidelity, in which Beethoven's sonata (perhaps) inflames passions; and Janacek's Quartet No. 1, which West and Stevens agreed was not, as is sometimes thought, a programmatic description of the Tolstoy.
Tolstoy's story is told from the point of view of the jealous man, the murderer, whereas Janacek's sympathies lay more with the silent, murdered woman. ''There was room for something much more in-depth and psychological,'' says West. ''And then it was over to Laura to see how she could make it work.''
Laura is Laura Wade, 33, West's partner and a rising playwright. (Her first two plays earned her a Critics' Circle Theatre Award for most promising playwright). Like Janacek, she found her imagination fired by the voices you don't hear in Tolstoy, and she came up with a crisp, ingenious way of linking these different pieces. Australian actress Robin McLeavy plays the wife, and West plays not her jealous husband but her (supposed) lover.
They reprise two different versions of their relationship, one punctuating the ACO's performance of the Beethoven; the other threaded through, and shedding new light on, the Janacek.
West, 44, is only in Australia briefly, having come straight from performing Caryl Churchill's A Number in the West End with his father, Timothy West (his mother is Prunella Scales, aka Mrs Basil Fawlty). He listens to ''lots of techno'', classical jazz and some opera, but his great love is chamber music, particularly ''the big central European composers''.
''This is going to sound really wanky, forgive me,'' he says, trying to explain. He remembers working on Cosi Fan Tutte, for the English National Opera, when it was, of course, a great privilege to hear Mozart every morning. ''But you sort of have to put yourself in the right mood to listen to Mozart. What I find with Janacek or Schoenberg or Bartok is that they don't care what mood you're in, they will put you in their mood. They will bring you round to their way of thinking and I find that incredibly powerful and slightly wordless,'' he says.
The power of music to link directly with the heart is discussed in a short passage in the Tolstoy, from which its title comes. It also lies at the heart of Kreutzer vs Kreutzer, a labile and contradictory thing, says West. ''Music can soothe the savage breast, but also it's the food of love, play on.'' Sometimes both at once.
Kreutzer vs Kreutzer is at the City Recital Hall, Angel Place, on Saturday, next Tuesday and Wednesday and at the Opera House on Sunday.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/music/music-stirs-chambers-of-the-heart-20101115-17uaq.html#ixzz1qKEl02zF

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