Wednesday 8 December 2010

British actors sign petition to support free Belarus

British actors sign petition to support free Belarus

British actors sign petition to support free Belarus

11:26, — 8.12.2010

Jude Law, Ian McKellen, and Samuel West and other famous actors signed the petition.
The Belarus Free Theatre showed two plays in London, “Discover Love” and “Numbers”.
It’s the first time when Hollywood stars, Jude Law, Ian McKellen, and Samuel West, and others, joined the theatre company on the stage. The actors expressed their solidarity both with the Free Theatre and the people of Belarus.
“It was a powerful event. Most of the expected actors came, only Kate Winslet was replaced by Sienna Miller. She and Jude Law played Iryna and Anatol Krasouskis. Another pair was Samuel West and Adjoa Andoh. The play “Numbers” from the trilogy “Zone of Silence” was showed first followed by “Discover Love”. The event was interesting both from artistic and public points of view. It was a fund-raising event and the actors thanked us for an opportunity to work together,” Mikalai Khalezin, director of the Belarus Free Theatre, emphasized.
We remind that “Discover Love” is based on a true story of Iryna and Anatol Krasouskis. Businessman and public figure Anatol Krasouski and politician Viktar Hanchar disappeared under mysterious circumstances in September 1999. The play-illustration “Numbers” along with “Childhood Legends” and “Others” form the trilogy “Zone of Silence”. The performance demonstrates manipulations with numbers in Belarus.
The audience of the theatre also expressed their support of the Belarusians.
“There were many journalist, politicians and lords, lawyers, human rights activists, actors, of course, and public activists. The event attracted 450 people.
We prepared a petition that was signed by some 60 actors. Moreover, it was signed by more than 100 public activists. This petition supports free Belarus and Free Theatre. Signatories include Kate Winslet, Jeremy Irons, and other stars. We are going to publish the full version of the petition soon,” Mikalai Khalezin told.

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